07434 690496 hello@dorothywatt.com

“If something can’t be explained by science then search harder for the explanation!”

Bespoke Homeopathy Consultations

Homeopathy treatment is like going on a journey: you end up somewhere different from where you started, taking in some new experiences on the way.

Often the changes you experience can be so gentle and gradual that it comes as a surprise when you look back and see how far you’ve come.
This is your journey, and my role is as supporter, mentor and guide. The homeopathic support you receive makes change easier, but ultimately it’s your commitment to and desire for change which will determine how far you progress.

Most of the work I do with people is longer term as I find this enables clients to achieve deeper and longer lasting changes in physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  Working together longer term allows us to:

  • Get to the root of deep-seated symptoms and finally shift these;
  • Support your overall health now and into the future;
  • Strengthen you and your family’s overall health now and in the future.
  • Develop and sustain momentum for change


The prices for each of the packages include all homeopathic prescriptions and postage and packing for 1 dispatch per consultation. Any nutritional supplementation or additional homeopathic purchases will be charged separately.

Equilibrium Package

Would you like your symptoms to be a distant memory and to have a clear vision of your way forward?
A commitment to 12 sessions gives you the opportunity to:

  • experience effective homeopathic symptom management, then rely on it less and less
  • gain understanding around why you had your symptoms
  • have a clear vision of your future direction
  • enhance your forward momentum with your own individual SPARK – a laser-focused action plan to help you with the very next step to take.

Initial consultation and 11 follow-up consultations: £1224 (valid for 24 months)

Rebalance Package

Would you like to be able to manage your symptoms effectively and to feel more positive about your future direction?
A commitment to 6 sessions gives you the opportunity to:

  • experience effective homeopathic symptom management
  • start to reflect on why you have your symptoms
  • feel more positive about your future direction

Initial consultation and 5 follow-up consultations within: £720 (valid for 12 months)

Taster Package

Would you like to start seeing a positive difference in your symptoms?
A commitment to 3 sessions gives you the opportunity to:

  • experience the gradual, gentle nature of homeopathic support
  • realise that giving up after one session could have been a wasted opportunity
  • start to wonder how your future could be different

Initial consultation and 2 follow-up consultations: £390 (valid for 6 months)

Continuing Support After Your Initial Package

Now you’ve experienced the gentle support which homeopathy provides for you, you might like to join the many clients I have whose personal health and wellbeing regime includes investing in a regular programme of consultations to ensure you keep up your progress and enhance it with regular momentum.

Resilience Package

This package is valid for 12 months and includes 1 consultation in every 8 week period.  The sessions aren’t cumulative – if you choose not to use a session you lose it.  Please enquire about a family package. Reasonable email contact between consultations is included. Any additional sessions can be purchased at the standard rate.

Valid for 12 months

1 session during every 8 week period – use it or lose it:   £627


So, where do we start?

Rarely at the beginning, but the aim Is to start in what is exactly the right place at that time!  We start where your body is telling me it needs help and support: that might be some recently occurring physical symptoms, a story which just pops into your mind, or it might be something more subtle and energetic which I pick up.

What if I’ve had my physical pain for ages?

Alongside your remedies for the main issue your body wants sorting out, I will prescribe you remedies which match closely any symptoms you have of long-lasting physical discomfort.  This means your homeopathic remedies will be working on different levels at the same time: dealing with your key issue, managing your long-standing symptoms and supporting any organs in your body which seem to need a boost.

So I’ll be rattling!

If you’ve had homoepathy before you might have been used to getting one remedy at a time. If your body just needs one remedy that’s what I’ll give you, but it very often needs more to create the balance it seeks.

Will you give me my remedies there and then?

Most often not. I divide your appointment time into face to face time and research/prescription time. You pay me for an hour of which 40 minutes is consultation and 20 minutes is thinking and making time.  I find my clients like to feel I’ve thought about their case before prescribing.

Book a Clarity Call

If you like the look of what’s here but there are things you’re not sure about then why not book a clarity call with me and I’d be delighted to talk through your questions! There’s no charge and absolutely no obligation to pursue anything further.