07434 690496 hello@dorothywatt.com

“If your body could talk it would say it wanted to be well”

Dorothy Watt

I’m Dorothy Watt, Transformational Homeopath and Holistic Wellness Advocate.

I support people who feel stuck with chronic physical or mental issues to take control of their health so they can go on to lead the rewarding, energised lives they desire and ultimately fulfil their potential.

I work with people who are ready to make choices around their own health. I’m here to listen, to speak, to write, to teach, to train – to provide support and information for your journey.

I first encountered homeopathy 30 years ago when I’d been struggling with recurrent infections for months. Each course of antibiotics worked for a short while then my symptoms returned: I was weak, frustrated and exhausted.

By chance I saw a homeopathic GP who offered me something different. It didn’t matter that I’d never heard of homeopathy, the logic he applied to my symptoms made sense and I didn’t hesitate to give it a go.

You can read more about my first encounter with homeopathy here.  I think it’s fair to say it changed my life!

By the time I had my children I was using homeopathy regularly to support myself and my family.

I learnt so much by watching my young children and matching their symptoms to acute remedies that I decided to train as a homeopath and so began the next part of my journey.

My Philosophy

Finding patterns

The way I look at it, when you develop pain or discomfort there’s usually a reason for it: your body’s telling you something, whether it’s physical or emotional pain. I listen with great care: something’s likely to have happened shortly before the pain began which could be linked to its appearance: a shock? stored emotions you’re not even aware of? some particular toxicity? I love engaging with people’s stories and piecing together the puzzles from a lifetime of issues, finding the hidden patterns. I’m fascinated by patterns at a wider, societal level too and intuitively seek out patterns of behaviour to provide an alternative interpretation for the conclusions of narrowly constructed scientific experiments.


At University I trained my logical mind as a scientist, taking courses alongside medical students to understand the workings of the human body before studying Psychology and delving into the workings of the mind. This led me naturally into education, and the skills I learned – breaking things down into logical steps, explaining in everyday language, supporting individuals on their journey – are things I draw on every day. These communication skills underpin all my work – I try to avoid jargon in every context and work to develop shared, accessible understanding by telling stories around the everyday scientific happenings in life.

About Dorothy Watt


I help you to identify and take your first and subsequent steps towards greater freedom. In order to do this we have to be on the same wavelength: I have to understand where you are, and you have to be able to talk openly about how you feel. Then, together, we develop a shared understanding of the way forward. It needn’t be as serious as it sounds – we’re usually able to share a laugh! Avoiding jargon is one of the ways I use to promote connection with my wider audience too, drawing on shared everyday experiences to illustrate science in action.

Embracing energies

Our lives are all about energy, though this notion can feel a bit strange until you’re accustomed to thinking in that way. In my 1 to 1 work I use a range of intuitive techniques including dowsing to establish the right place to start our conversation, so we can use the energies of homeopathic remedies to relieve symptoms, support weaknesses and release stored traumas.


When I’m not working I have a keen interest in music and in our natural world: singing, playing percussion, walking, gardening, and listening to our earth’s subtle energies using dowsing. I’m always fascinated to learn more!